Tuesday , 4 March 2025

No Remorse interview

No Remorse is like a rock high school for girls to develop their musical skills. From this school there have emerged bands such as Vision, Undercover, Carbon Black, Bad Surprise, Deadline, Frantic Amber, Insistence, Red Wine, Neckless, B.H.K, Bumpy, C.A.S.E, The Deadline, Bitchslap, In Memory Of Two, Sataanan Enkelit, Scandalux, Trimmad Rullator, Pick Your Poison, Revenge, Radio Tragedy

VisionNo Remorse is like a rock high school for girls to develop their musical skills. Please detail it a little more.
No Remorse is an organization for girls who want to learn more about music and film. They can learn all about making music videos or documentaries. They can also start a band and develop themselves individually and for the whole group. We offer music lessons in many instruments, like guitar, bass, drums, keyboard and vocals.

Why such this organization? Which is the main goal behind the idea? Is it to promote girls in a predominantly male business?
An organization like this is very important for us. We promote girls in a predominantly male business and shows that girls have satisfactory opportunities of being able to play instrument just like boys do.

Is No Remorse the only school of this kind worldwide?
No Remorse is the only school of this kind worldwide, the only one that focuses on girls and has the kind of educational program that we have.

And which are the requirements for a girl to be part of No Remorse. Does she need to have previous musical acknowledge?
To be a part of No Remorse you don’t need to have any special requirements. The only thing you have to achieve to be a part of No Remorse is the age. You have to be between 16 or 24 years old. You don’t need to have previous musical acknowledge, we assume from what the person is in for level in knowledge and works on the basis of that.

Once they are in, do they start playing in a band? Is it the school who chooses where each girl would fit better or they decide to form the bands with whom they like?
They start a band and decides themselves what instrument they want to play. We don´t choose for them. It is very important to be independent in these choices, because it has to be fun to learn and play.

Carbon BlackThere are a lot of bands formed or assisted by No Remorse: Undercover, Carbon Black, Bad Surprise, Deadline, Frantic Amber, Insistence, Red Wine, Neckless, B.H.K, Vision, Bumpy, C.A.S.E, The Deadline, Bitchslap, In Memory Of Two, Sataanan Enkelit, Scandalux, Trimmad Rullator, Pick Your Poison, Revenge, Radio Tragedy. Which musical styles do they cover?
There are many different music styles that our band is cover. They play pop, rock, hard rock and many other genre´s. They start with easier songs and later they can choose by themselves which song they want.

I’ve seen some of your video clips, and I know you also have a film school. Are this video clips filmed by the film school students? In fact they look very professional.
The video clips that we have are filmed by the film school students. The students learn how to do music videos and of course we let the students do our music videos too. On this way the students learns both practical and theoretical things.

You also have a recording studio. So it seems easy for the bands to record their records/demos. How does it work exactly? Which are the conditions for the bands to record their music?
When a band has work on a song and all done, the band has the possibility to record in a studio. In the studio each band member record hers instrument/song. When the recording is finished it maybe have to change things or add things on it to make the final version.

So which is currently the No Remorse discography? How can we get this music?
No Remorse has a MySpace address that you can listen on songs from the bands. Many videos is on YouTube and we have also a lot of CDs and DVDs you can buy.

How much control do the bands have while staying at the school and how much once they are out of it?
The band has fairly much control of themselves, they choose what they want to play for songs and much other thing. But they have to be in time and make use of the time that they have.

Trimad RullatorWhich is the school/organization achievement you are most proud of? And what do you think is the issue you still have to improve?
No Remorse is very proud over all the bands who has expound in our country and worldwide. That’s a very good sign of success. No Remorse is also proud of all possibilities to learn to play instruments, learn how to sing and learn to make movies. Our issue maybe is that we want to have more live performances.

Which band do you think is gaining more worldwide attention? And this hidden jewel that is about to unleash all their power soon?
Vision is the band who has gained the most both worldwide and in Sweden. They have developed very much under all these years and we are very proud of them and Visions international success.

Some bands like Vision or Bitchslap played in the Swedish metal expo. How was the experience?
Both Vision and Bitchslap thinks that Swedish metal expo was a big experience that was very instructive, but fun at the same time. Every gig is instructive and good for the future.

Apart from this show, do you organize festivals yourself for the No Remorse bands? Is there any band planning to tour around Europe?
No Remorse has arranged gigs for the bands on different places, like municipality house, our own local and many more places. Right now we don’t have any plans to tour around Europe.

No Remorse @ Myspace
No Remorse official site

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