Sunday , 8 September 2024


1991, Miami. It borns Demonomacy, the female quartet formed by Dana Cosley (rhythm guitar and vocals), Jamie Avery (guitar solo), Lisa Antoniotti (drums) and Robin Mazen (bass and vocals).

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Cyber Angel was a Japanese band that lasted a short time, made by Yoshie and Takako. Yoshie decided to form a band when she was only 17 years, after listening to Megadeth.

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Buzz Cult is a band whose sound is ranged between death and thrash, coming from the country of the rising sun.

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Belle Gunness was a mid-tempo thrash act born in the Netherlands in 2004. Their band name coincides with that of a serial killer from Norway, who after seducing men they were killed and feed the pigs

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The most famous and prolific of the female extreme metal bands, Astarte, started off as a trio called Lloth. It was born in September 1995 and initially formed by Tristessa, who will be the core and Astarte's only permanent member since then, Nemesis on guitar, Kinthia and Psychoslaughter as a session drummer (as in many "all-female" bands)

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Perfume of Darkness is an entirely female group from the small island of Cyprus. The idea of its formation was conceived one night in December after a Rotting Christ concert at one club in the capital Nicosia.

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Flammea was one of the best female metal bands from Brazil. Born in Brasilia, they were part the Brazil female metal "golden" era, country which gained a spot in the metal world thanks to Sepultura.

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Although they only released one album, the career of this metal band from Westchester, New York, lasted nearly ten years. The guitarists Rena Sands and Marlene Apuzzo met in 1985 to form the nucleus of Meanstreak, which would be complemented by Bettina France at the micro, Lisa Diane Pace on bass and Keyser on drums, replacing a drummer that was just passing through.

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Matriarch is a death metal band born in Puerto Rico. They started their way at the beginning of 2002, even they weren't called Matriarch until next year, a name that perfectly defines the concept behind this female band.

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Aghast was a two-witches (Nebelhexë and Nachtexe) and one album ("Hexerei Im Zwielichet Der Finsternis") project, which despite receiving good reviews was not enough to keep the band alive.

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