They are five young women decided to keep alive the feeling and the sonic and visual impact of the legendary Hard Rock and Heavy Metal bands of the Seventies and Eighties.
Country: Italy
History: 2005 – Present
Status: Active
Style: Hard Rock/Metal
Back in 2005, five young women coming from different musical experiences, decided to create a new Rock band to be called Rougenoire.
Their commitment will be to keep alive the feeling and the sonic and visual impact of the legendary Hard Rock and Heavy Metal bands of the Seventies and Eighties.
The Rougenoire name has been supplied by Mia Wallace (character of Quentin Tarantino’s movie “Pulp Fiction”) nail varnish.
Rougenoire’s live performances (hundreds to date) are breathtaking and groundbreaking: the stage is their home! In 2012 they release their first CD entitled “The Show”: modern technologies helped Rougenoire to “capture” their sound remaining close to their Rock traditional musical roots.
Crilbill – Guitar
Sabarax – Guitar
Vice – Bass
Black Mamba – Vocals
Blade – Drums
2012, “The Show” (LP)
Related links:
Rougenoire official
Rougenoire @ Facebook
Rougenoire @ MySpace
Rougenoire @ YouTube