Saturday , 29 March 2025

Blood, fire, love, lust, anger, excitement, strength, courage and danger … They all have the same color, Kirmizi (red)… The band describes their character as KIRMIZI and reflect their hard and brave stance to their music.

Kirmizi logoKirmizi


Country: Turkey
History: 2005 – Present
Status: Active
Style: Heavy Metal

Blood, fire, love, lust, anger, excitement, strength, courage and danger … They all have the same color, Kirmizi (red)… The band describes their character as Kirmizi and reflect their hard and brave stance to their music.

Kirmizi is founded by Idil Cagatay and Asli Polat at 2005 and consist of 5 women musician; Idil Cagatay (Voclas), Asli Polat (Drums), Ecem Otgucuoglu (Bass Guitar), Burcu Ozdereli (Electro Guitar) and Saba Arat (Electro Guitar).

Kirmizi has released their first maxi single at March 2010, then released their debut album named “Isyan” (Riot) at March 2011. “Isyan” is labeled by RedRec Music, the band’s own record company.

“Isyan” has 8 songs, lyrics and music by Idil Cagatay, arranged by Idil Cagatay and Asli Polat, who are also the album producers.

Kirmizi was Ozzy Osbourne’s personal choice as an opening band at Istanbul Concert 2010. Same year they were the only band invited from Turkey to one of the biggest European festivals, Festival Mundial, Tilburg, Netherlands. Band also had too many live performances in different festivals and organizations in Turkey.

In year 2010 Kirmizi have shot 2 videos for maxi single songs, “Veda Etme” (No Farewell) and “Kirmizi” (Red). Debut album’s first video was shot to the song “Cekilin Basimdan” Kirmizi featuring Hayko Cepkin (most famous brutal vocal of Turkey)

Kirmizi shares their internal riot with the audience by their lyrics that express the character naming the band and original sound without being tied to any type.

Read Kirmizi interview at

Idil Cagatay – vocals
Asli Polat – drums
Ecem Otgucuoglu – bass
Burcu Ozdereli – electro guitar
Saba Arat – electro guitar

2010, “Isyan” (LP)

Related links:
Kirmizi @ Facebook
Kirmizi @ MySpace
Kirmizi @ Twitter



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  1. They’re one of the most awesome bands I ever listened. I bought their album and listening it everyday without getting bored. It’s very proud to have such musicians in this musicless country. Go on girls!

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