Saturday , 29 March 2025

Judas Priestess is an all girl Judas Priest tribute band from New York, formed in July 2009. Their particular Halford is MilitiA, who has performed as a lead singer with Dee Snider’s heavy metal orchestra Van Helsing’s Curse, and in other musicals as Sins of a Scarecrow or Jesus Christ Superstar.

logo judas priestessJudas PriestessCountry: Unites States
History: 2009 – Present
Status: Active
Style: Heavy metal/Tribute to Judas Priest

Judas Priestess is an all girl Judas Priest tribute band from New York, formed in July 2009.

Their particular Halford is MilitiA, who has performed as a lead singer with Dee Snider’s heavy metal orchestra Van Helsing’s Curse, and in other musicals as Sins of a Scarecrow or Jesus Christ Superstar.

Three of their musicians have experience with other all-female bands. “D” was Mistress Mars in the all-female Mötley Crüe tribute band Girls Girls Girls, bassist Gyda Gash was in the all-girl David Bowie tribute Ziggy Starlet and the drummer JoJo played in Missdemeanor, being replaced in June 2001 by Kaleen Reading due to medical leave.

Grace “Maiden of Metal” Wendroff completed the lineup with her guitar, and is the hostess and producer of “Motorbreath”, a cable show devoted to metal and rock, but was replaced by Josette on 2011.

MilitiA – Vocals
Josette – Guitar
D Mercedes – Guitar
Hillary Blaze – Drums
Gyda Gash – Bass

Former members:
Grace “Maiden of Metal” Wendroff – Guitar
JoJo Tubeato – Drums
Kaleen Reading – Drums

Related links:
Judas Priestess official
Judas Priestess @ Myspace
Judas Priestess @ Facebook
MilitiA @ Myspace
MilitiA official site
D @ Myspace
Grace “Maiden of Metal” Wendroff @ Myspace
Gyda Gash @ Myspace
JoJo @ Myspace


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  1. ¿ alguien sabe de donde demonios puedo descargar rolas de esta banda tributo?

    responder amablemente a ::=

    agradecere y valorare las respuestas gratamente enviadas…

  2. You girls are just Kick -Ass,not only do you tear it the F**k up-but yer all Hot as hell-Yeah! I’ve seen Priest a few times and i can tell you Girls , they never Rocked me while i had a lazy hard-on( believe me, it was a struggle not to go Full Staff). So thank you Ladies for givin me a swift kick to my Ass, whilst you gently massaged my balls ! Hot,Talented,and tite Leather well ………………….gets me every time ! Cant wait til yer next show- dont worry i will bring my own tissues….just in HOT ROCKIN !

  3. i want to bring my daughter, who likes Priest amnd is 16, to the Stone Pony show on 6/10 but am concerned based on the post above if it would be appropriate. If there’s a lot of sexual inuendo and whatnot, might not be a good idea. Thoughts ?

  4. Dp you do private parties. My bro in law is a huge priest fan and he is turning 40 in august and would like to know how much for a 4 hour set or whatever you do!

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