Monday , 31 March 2025




Country: USA
Period: Since 2013
Style: Death Metal


NYC based band with members hailing from Colombia, Florida, Mexico, Massachusetts, and Norway.


C. Perez - drums
P. Serrano - lead guitar & vocals
R.M. - bass
M.S. - vocals


2014, "No Victim" (Demo)
2015, "No Victim" (EP)



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Gates Of Babylon

Gates Of Babylon was an all-female melodic metalcore band from Cleveland, Ohio (USA), comprised of Suzie Reagen on guitar and vocals, Jessi Carrick on lead vocals, Kristen Woutersz on guitar, Nikki Collins on drums, and Sarah Stonebraker on bass.

One comment

  1. Dear Castrator,

    I wrote a Donald Trump song. I think you or some other female metal band you know should record it.

    Donald Trump
    Which Donald you be
    Miami or the Duck
    All I see, is a yappy orange schmuck.
    This country’s Indian so you’re a foreigner too
    The only thing you bring us is derisive Woopdie-Doo
    Donald you is Orange like an Oompa-loompa man
    Maybe run for governor fore you stick your head in sand
    The only way you win, dog
    Is with nasty calling names
    McCain might have been captured but
    It’s you that’s gone insane
    An ego like-a Donald got to feed-a-night and day
    The only way to fill that trap
    Is FOX or NRA
    Funny when my Donald does his hair up oh so rad
    Bet it’s lesser silly when the hanger’s on the chad
    Donald you is Orange like an Oompa-loompa man
    Maybe run for mayor fore you stick your head in sand
    The only way you win, dog
    Is with nasty calling names
    McCain may have been captured but
    It’s you that’s gone insane
    Surreal would be his HUgeness
    On the lawn of our White House
    The glory all that history
    In the shadow of a mouse
    I say be a righter if too left is not your way
    But let’s all get together and obliterate the day
    When walls of allegations come-a-creeping up your lawn
    An orange man with money says you’re fired, now be gone.
    Donald you is Orange like an Oompa-loompa man
    Maybe run for mayor fore you stick your head in sand
    The only way you win, dog
    Is with nasty calling names
    McCain may have been captured but
    It’s you that’s gone insane

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